Our Appeals
Today we are seeking to raise £500K to carry out urgent conservation and repairs

The Friends of Shakespeare’s Church (Registered Charity No.1097403) was launched in 2003 with an initial donation of £5. Since then over £1 million has been raised to help maintain the fabric and beauty of the Church. The Friends gratefully acknowledge the support given by Stratford-upon-Avon Town Trust and all those who have contributed so generously.
Today we are seeking to raise £500k to carry out urgent conservation and repair of the historic fabric and fittings of the Church, including:
- external stonework repairs to the North Transept
- conservation of the medieval doors
- conservation and presentation of the King James Bible
The funds we hold currently as the result of a generous legacy are earmarked for a future major project.
You can support our work by joining the Friends
Making a Donation
Your support is vital in enabling us to continue welcoming people to the Church and maintaining it for generations to come. We are very grateful for any donation you can make to the Friends at this time. Please click below to make a donation:
Leaving a Legacy in Your Will
You can help us by making provision in your will for a gift to the Friends of Shakespeare’s Church (Registered Charity No.1097403) which needs your support today, tomorrow - and a long time into the future.
Benefactors in the past have generously funded the conservation of the Clopton Chapel, the pulpit, the ‘American Window’, the cross on the outside of the Chancel as well as the on-going maintenance of Shakespeare’s Church.
- Every amount, large or small, will make a real difference
- The Trustees of the Friends will honour any specification by you that your gift should be spent on either the Church in general or on an aspect of our ongoing work such as maintenance of the fabric, interiors or collections
- No part of your gift will be deducted for administration costs
- Money left to the Friends of Shakespeare's Church is exempt from inheritance tax
For more information or to discuss your wishes, please contact: enquiries@shakespeareschurch.co.uk